I have had middle exams every weeks since March which will continue until this semester ending. And I have done 5 posters for one month. I AM TOO BUSY to relax. My roommates said I have had night-conversation for a long time. MURMUR... MURMUR.... EVEN THOUGH, I am so busy and tired, I have still thought my future. Should I changed my major? Many seniors told me I will be paid a lot of salary, if I get the radiologists' job. And if I go board to be Medical Physictist, I will get more money than I get in Taiwan. But am I outstanding to be the one? Recently, I don't like this university, because it was a senior high school. It always gives me the feeling that is I was living a high school student life. And a lot of friends of my department they would like to take entrance exams again. They not only don't like this university but also thought they want to study higher department such as medical science. Besides them, my junior friend, who would like to take medical transferring school exam. I am very hesitated. What should I do?
you have thought.. means you have already had an answer, right?
Do you "like" your major? Is that your "interest"? Which is the most import factors of your life?
Money or ...?
When you are doing a seriuos decision, you have to be calm and then ponder it.
Anyways, don't be so rush...
Don't try to save 1 min and then ruin your whole life.
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