Monday, March 19, 2007

Tonight, after I attended our medical department conference about Sunshine Social Welfare Foundation, I joined a new social club which target is about speaking English. There will be two speeches. The first one we can volunteer to prepare our speech, and the other is making an address immediately about table topic. I studied WSI and graduated at T2 level. At there, we can not speak in Chinese even we would like to ask questions. However, I need to live in the dormitory, I can not study at there anymore. Because I really want to continue to improve my ability of English, and I am unwilling to let my original ability go backward, I decide to join it. I really enjoy speaking English.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW, never knew u have such great interest in English! LOL
Yes, languages can be interesting if u want it to, it can also be very useful in ur life and studies!
Don't lose ur passion!